Sex Trafficked People -
Back 2 Value Program
Sex Trafficked People = STPB2VP (Sex Trafficked People Back 2Value Project)
We have schools in our Tri-County area that just closed because they built a new school. We think we can convert class rooms into living quarters for young boys or young girls, or for mostly young women rebuilding their lives from the sex slavery trade or from trafficking. Apartment for them for six months or for two years to live in to re-build their lives. Some take longer to re-build their value than others. We think the monthly cost per person will be at $5,000 each for 25 people. Would you consider donating $1 per month for 25 people and pledge this (not give any funds yet but later) to this cause. Maybe could pledge a onetime donation to get the school into living condition with rooms divided and carpet on the floors, etc.? With good special long term counseling etc. is estimated at $5,000 per month. We only need 5,000 people to make this project possible. Help our small Lions Club do this. The Lehr Lions Club, Lehr, ND. Lehr Lions Club Pres. John W. 701-452-2755. We only need 5,000 people to make this project possible. This to be used for a matching grant. For a onetime donation. If 5,000 people give a onetime donation of $400 it will give these kidnapped sex trafficking of mostly young women a chance to get back their personal God’s value. And then for a monthly pledge of $25. (Please do “NOT” send any money.)
Help our small Lions Club do this.
Web site: Tri-CountyRegion.US is a Lehr Lions Club web site. It covers mostly Emmons and Logan and McIntosh Counties. With growing interest in this web site the more truth is that this web site covers the area from Bismarck to Jamestown and on down to Aberdeen, SD.
If so please E-Mail: help@Tri-CountyRegion.US “OR” E-Mail: LionsProject@tri-countyregion.US
Please use E-Mail Subject: STPB2VP (Sex Trafficked People Back 2 Value Project)
I am sending out about 250 (really some 283) E-Mails. You can help by sending out more than ten that would make 2,500. If those 2,500 send out ten or more that would be 25,000. If they send out ten or more that would be 250,000 people that may tell the right 5,000 people that this project needs.
To help you decide view the following: 700 Club Interactive - January 2, 2017 = > Open your heart to sex slavery trade victims or sex trafficking victim people and maybe for a little help from you.
The award winning group “For King and Country” share about their new book & movie ”Priceless”, which is inspired by true events. 25 ½ min Then view those videos on the 100 videos attachment.
Did it help for you to view the above video? To “REALLY” help send this on to ten others, plus.
If you do please E-mail: help@Tri-CountyRegion.US “OR” LionsProject@tri-countyregion.US
E-Mail Subject: STPB2VP (Sex Trafficked People Back 2 Value Project)
It doesn’t matter where you are from you can help just be sending this E-Mail on to others.
Also check out and view: View 2 ½ min. video.
Also you research this and check out: Then in the search box put in: Sex trafficking.
SEE Pledge Form (DO NOT send money now) Pledge Form
Download this page in PDF for more info.
Download PDF for sex slavery trade and trafficking 100 Videos.